CFR Preparation and Assistance

Preparing the Consolidated Fiscal Report (CFR) is quite an undertaking. Let Dopkins guide you through this challenging process.

Experience smoother preparation and a stronger financial position

Admittedly, preparing the Consolidated Fiscal Report (CFR) is quite an undertaking. We provide CFR related services from beginning to end.  Whether you need help extracting, restructuring or improving the data within your general ledger, payroll or other systems; providing shortcuts for data manipulation and preparation of import files; technical help with the NY State CFR software including its new importing capabilities; or maybe you would like someone to just complete the entire CFR for you, we have the expertise to get the job done in all of the ways.

CFR Experience

We have helped some of the largest agencies across the State with their CFR preparation and processes.  Additionally, over the last year, Dopkins & Company, LLP was actively involved in influencing and working with the NYS CFR Interagency Committee to develop a data importing routine for use with the State CFR Software.

Our expertise ranges from the high level issues of auditing and certifying your CFR to the lowest level of completing the detail necessary for the CFR schedules.  We know the pitfalls that you might encounter and can help you to avoid them.  Our people know the CFR inside out because we been preparing and reviewing them since its introduction almost twenty years ago.  Our review process will also ensure that your schedules accurately reflect and are prepared in accordance with the State instructions and regulations.

Examples of how we can assist your agency

Preparation Assistance

  • Completion of CFR and related schedules
  • Review of CFR and related schedules for errors or inconsistencies
  • Provide answers to your technical questions with the NY State software
  • Importing your data or troubleshooting the import feature of the NY State CFR software
  • Answering NY State CFR Funding Agency’s related inquiries

Process Assistance

  • Advise on conforming to the instructions and regulations for the various schedules
  • Setting up your general ledger account structure to simplify CFR preparation
  • Adding other CFR needed data to your Agency’s computer information systems
  • Automate the data extraction and data manipulation from Agency data systems
  • Tips or shortcuts to speed up file setup and preparation process for importing
  • Reduce the amount of time keying /preparing data
  • Create automated allocations necessary for the CFR in your accounting software

For more information, please contact Nicholas Fiume at or Veronica Koller at

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