Auto Dealerships
The automobile dealership industry has changed dramatically over recent years. Dealers need experienced advisors who are knowledgeable in dealership finance, accounting, management and taxation.
Cars are a huge part of the lives of most Americans. Other than our homes, a car, truck or SUV is the biggest, most expensive purchase most of us will ever make. So we’ve all spent our share of time at dealerships with little understanding of how dealerships make money.
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In the past, profits as a percentage of new car sales were much greater than they are now. Due in part to aggressive incentives, recent stats show a significant number of car dealers actual lose money on new car sales. Dealers support their business model with service, parts and used cars all of which have significantly higher margins.
Dealers often use financing to make their car purchases, much like individuals do. They purchase the cars from the manufacturers via an instrument called Floor Plan financing. Generally, all new vehicles are financed through the manufacturer, and dealers pay interest monthly on that loan,
The dealership business is also impacted by the economy, interest rates and employee turnover. Dealership owners will require the expertise of an experienced accounting team to ensure every financial advantage is identified and evaluated.
Dopkins has been working with automotive dealers for over 30 years and are one of the most experienced in the country.